Friday, March 28, 2014

Springgg Breakkkkk.

I know I may be late on writing this blog, but over spring break I was able to achieve one of my outside of class activities. I went down to Virginia beach, and attended something sort of like Shamrock the block here in RVA. It started with a parade, and people were everywhere
in the streets. And they were also drunk, there were vendors everywhere selling beer, some vendors even had a special "green beer". It was very interesting, and I also got some good laughs in at people. When people are drunk it can be very entertaining. Anyways back to the parade, it went on for about an hour and a half, because the drunks were out in the road, in the way of the parade. So then the police had to come and remove them. Everyone was decked out in green, for St. Patrick's Day. The parade was in downtown OceanView, there was also plenty of restaurants around so that the drunk people could go and eat food to soak up the alcohol. After the parade, my family went and enjoyed a pizza at a friend's restaurant; there they also had a special "green beer". It was a fun filled weekend, anytime down at the beach is a fun time. It's very relaxing to just be down there enjoying the breeze, the sand between my toes, and enjoying the salt filled air. Also while at the parade there were people that brought their little children, and my opinion of that is why???? If you know that you are going to drink, and have your little child with you; why not just get a babysitter? Because most likely you are not going to be fully responsible, because you are obviously under the influence of alcohol. It just doesn't make sense to me, in my psychology class we discussed that people should have to take a test on parenting. Part of me agrees and part of me doesn't everyone is entitled to be a parent, but you at least need to be responsible. And don't bring your child to a party where they could get lost in all the people, 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Some thing that I can't seem to figure out is why others take people for granted. Why do you take advantage of something that's going good for you, turn around and disrespect that one person that loves you a lot. I understand that you have to go through rough times to get to the good times, but when you constantly do the same thing over and over again time and time again; I would have thought that you would have learned your lesson.

One thing that I don't let people mess around with is my family. I will defend and protect my family, unless that is of course that they are in the wrong. Don't sit there and disrespect someone that has done nothing, but good things for you and then you call them selfish. Different story if you have a reason to call them selfish, but in this case it was not needed.

Moral of the story, don't take advantage of something in your life. Don't cross certain boundaries that were placed in the beginning. And if you do prepare to hear about it and take the consequences.

Snow Days

I think one thing that everyone is tired of is the snow and the inconvenience that it brings to many. Every time I hear that more snow is in the forecast, I just think to myself well it might be June and still snowing.

Then I think about all the work that we have missed from school, and I'm just like yes the day off was nice but I'm paying for my education now so it's kind of frustrating. But it's whatever can't to anything to get my money back.

I mean after all people care about it money, money, money, and more money.

Then the high school kids complain about having a 2 hour delay, well in college your lucky if you even get a delay or closing. And some of us have a further distance to drive than half of the high schoolers. I just don't understand some things.