Thursday, February 20, 2014

This Grammar thing

These Grammar “teaching things” are in the way. Nobody has time to meet up with their groups and make a lesson on a grammar topic. We are college students already in debt, and are just trying to make money and have social lives. So therefore we do not have time to meet with our groups because everyone has different schedules. And let’s face it no one wants to work on school work over the weekends, that’s our time outside of the classroom to relax and kick back. And who knows maybe go out a party, but if you are going to; please be safe. It just does not make any sense to me why we have to go over stuff that we learned back in middle and high school. I guess maybe just to refresh our memories, but still we could just do activities in the classroom.

So tomorrow we as in my group are going, and just praying that everything goes as planned. And half the time people don’t even pay attention to what we are talking about. But who knows maybe they will enjoy ours.

Anyways I hope everyone has a great and safe weekend, until next time‼

First Paper

My class has been in the process of writing our first research paper of the semester, for this class. The first topic is Crime and Punishment; it’s not a topic that I am strongly for or against. But it’s what had to be done, so I just got to do it. While researching this topic, I found some things that I didn’t already know, and some things that confirmed my questions. I decided to write my research paper, on why the death penalty should be enforced and should be legal in all states. I had many ideas run through my head, and thought once or twice about changing my topic. But during group peers I was told that I had some strong points, and that it looked like my paper was heading in the right direction. Now it is just a matter of organizing my paper so that it flows, and makes sense to the audience. I feel that people will read my paper, and be against it. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own beliefs. So I will see where this writing takes me, and now I know what to look forward to in the two other papers.

Friday, February 7, 2014

That powerpoint.

The other day in class Sweeney presented a PowerPoint, basically to help write our argumentative papers. He then talked about Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. Then he showed us a small clip from the Mighty Python, and all I could remember was me thinking what in the world are watching. It wasn’t something that I would normally watch. I defiantly was confused on why he showed it, or maybe I was just confused on the whole topic. Idk, I was tired and didn’t feel like going to school.

We finally came up with our topics about three days ago. Then Sweeney tells us that we have a rough draft due on Monday. I was thinking to myself come on now at least give me a few days to brainstorm, because I know that homework is the last thing that someone wants to do on the weekend. I mean unless you don’t really have a choice. Now I feel like I’m just typing to get my word count in, but oh well. I hope everyone has a good weekend, and stays safe. I heard it was suppose to snow tomorrow, hopefully we will get enough to be out of school Monday. LOL jk, Richard Bland doesn’t close no matter what. Which I was surprised they closed the last time it snowed.

Monday, February 3, 2014

coming up with topics

These past three classes we have been trying to come up with three topics to write argumentative papers about. Everyone had their minds set on what three topics they wanted, but we had to all be on the same page. We could not just say majority rules. We had to convince the minority on why or why not we should about that topic. Some people kept saying they did not know why they didn’t want to write about certain topics. As the class time went by people were getting angry because no one could give a reason as to why they didn’t want the topic. We tried to convince people, but things were just not succeeding.

Finally on the last day, we decided to all compromise on the three topics. After three days we had come to the conclusion that we would write about crime and punishment, family, and they third was a ”free for all.” The free for all topics can be either: education, gender, pop culture, race/ethnicity, religion, environment, or sexuality. Now you could try to tie all these topics into one, but our professor said that we could not “double dip”. What he meant was we could not write two papers on family. It should be interesting to see what topics people come up with.