Thursday, February 20, 2014

First Paper

My class has been in the process of writing our first research paper of the semester, for this class. The first topic is Crime and Punishment; it’s not a topic that I am strongly for or against. But it’s what had to be done, so I just got to do it. While researching this topic, I found some things that I didn’t already know, and some things that confirmed my questions. I decided to write my research paper, on why the death penalty should be enforced and should be legal in all states. I had many ideas run through my head, and thought once or twice about changing my topic. But during group peers I was told that I had some strong points, and that it looked like my paper was heading in the right direction. Now it is just a matter of organizing my paper so that it flows, and makes sense to the audience. I feel that people will read my paper, and be against it. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion and their own beliefs. So I will see where this writing takes me, and now I know what to look forward to in the two other papers.

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